About Macraband

Macraband is a handmade macramé watchband proudly made in the USA. It is the "Original Alternative" to traditional leather or metal bands. Macraband came into existence when its founder and designer Alice wanted a macramé watchband for herself. What started off as a traditional two piece band evolved into the single-piece tried and true design we use today.

Alice & Chuck Hollander at a craft fairAlice and her late husband Chuck, both incredibly creative people, were involved in many artistic endeavors. Alice made beautiful pressed flower pictures and Chuck refinished and restored antique furniture and clocks, which they sold at antiques shows. 

After attending a macramé exhibit at the American Folk Art Museum in NYC, Alice became captivated with this craft that dates back to ancient Egypt. She attended a workshop to learn the basic knotting techniques and experimented with all types of cords to make wall hangings and jewelry. After a time, she decided to sell her macramé pieces at the prestigious Greenwich Village Art and Craft Show in NYC. Her macramé watchbands stole the show!

Alice and Chuck soon realized they had a product the public really liked and wanted. Chuck, ever the supportive husband, poured all his efforts into helping Alice build her macramé business. He created the display they used to present their product to the public and encouraged her to do more craft shows around the northeastern United States. Always together, the two traveled up and down the east coast, from New Hampshire to Virginia and as far west as Michigan selling Macrabands at juried craft shows. Over the years, Macrabands were featured in several major department stores in NYC and sold in high-end boutiques around the country.

Since bringing Macraband to the public in 1978, Alice and Chuck developed a loyal customer base. Check out our testimonials to see what our customers are saying about Macraband. As Chuck’s health declined, they slowly reduced the number of craft shows they attended, eventually phasing them out.

A few years ago Deb, Alice's Daughter-in-Law, approached her about building an e-commerce website to bring Macraband to a wider audience. And so macraband.com was born!

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